. V; I2 j1 k- S0 K4 V7 [Prison-like management! y h0 d% \& I/ [- Z
- e4 F ]' N% `' n7 h Despite college students` increasing awareness of freedom, all schools still apply old-style management. Therefore, freedom-seeking students escape from the strictly managed dorms to rent apartments in nearby communities. To avoid off-campus problems, universities should consider relaxing the rules.6 z: x) T" i$ m8 ~
大学生的自由意识越来越强烈,而校园却依然延续着老套的管理模式。因此,大学生们纷纷逃离管理严格的集体宿舍,在附近小区租房建立自由家园。如要避免由此衍生的诸多校外问题,或许学校真的应该考虑放宽陈旧的条条框框了。& B3 K! x( ], p* h3 }0 ~
9 l( e& v3 }9 V0 |
7 H' I1 K3 J1 j; P; d& v Foul mouths& y+ l: f" a% E: b0 W0 b4 V8 C
粗口随意化; ?) ^3 R) B: \
Obscenities are oral pollution. The filthy words turn the campus environment from a peaceful well-educated one into squalid neighborhood of rude residents.4 j% f! T5 {, z% B7 v- l( h- L, O6 l
张口就是污言秽语,这着实污染了校内的环境。这些难以入耳的脏话使得本来充满学术氛围的安静校园变成粗人聚集的低档社区。9 O: t- M! m8 _5 o0 Y( L3 R
8 x5 w [: j: U% }
# d9 [* N' b/ n* D/ S大学生情侣们常常不顾场合上演接吻、拥抱这样的亲昵动作,丝毫不会考虑到围观群众会陷入怎样的尴尬境地。
6 F y& ?. v$ R, e: Z) k Public displays of affection
; |% D: ]0 g9 u: ?# a+ E 示爱公开化
% P. F4 ]+ U1 K( O7 G
: }9 H: n' s4 _
College students often canoodle wherever they are, while never thinking of others who view such intimate behaviors with embarrassment. 大学生情侣们常常不顾场合上演接吻、拥抱这样的亲昵动作,丝毫不会考虑到围观群众会陷入怎样的尴尬境地。
1 \9 E4 p3 i- {' p7 Q5 h$ r
! D/ B( J: z( W* D9 F' Z
! u; g& q0 t1 e6 K Conspicuous consumption
' d9 D$ `1 j9 ~ 消费过度化6 [( V z; z! o* E2 b" W( V8 \
Many students are hip to the latest trends, chasing after fashion and famous brands as if the family money was for nothing else.
5 N. @& Q$ ~# D$ ~( h+ H" h 很多大学生都紧跟最新潮流,追求时尚名牌,就好像是家里给的生活费就是奢侈消费的专款。
6 b) ^( ?1 H) O! G' i7 D% B+ h$ ^, Y* O% _% F X* ?
6 I2 H; e* a. @$ Y4 p
Nodding out7 }) U" ]* z* I1 ^. Q* w; x/ c
上课梦游化8 D! k; O t0 ]1 ?
Professors literally put students to sleep with their boring lectures and old-fashioned teaching methods.
+ b) I; o; l1 L& M% k! ]7 ^9 T 教授们讲课乏味,教学方法老套,这一切已经足够使得学生们在课堂上呼呼大睡了。
! P2 z, h% J5 ^+ |
9 Z: C# R( q/ f3 z3 ?
2 q0 @* T& _+ s2 _; D& x Easy to skip class
4 b5 z- k# S. L4 h* Q) p 逃课普遍化( }, c% Q5 n3 j2 }+ a; y
With the expansion of college enrollments, many classrooms are overcrowded, making it difficult for teachers monitor class attendance and easy for students to skip class.( k% j& G& |* Y9 w k& ]5 M/ a. i
高校扩招使得课堂上的学生越来越多。老师根本无法点名,于是给学生逃课提供了便利。. z. q( G* r1 o/ y6 j
4 u' D: ^; w3 U+ G" Q4 }
5 u4 a4 x$ x& i6 H Too much cleavage& _- Q, T7 c) ^/ E; F
/ x- _! z' L' n! h2 M+ f* `3 R It`s almost impossible to find virtuous coed on campus. Some young women dress suggestively and, if they are seen on the street, might be mistaken as nightclub hostesses.
0 n& m) i% d% p 如今想要在校园里找到清纯的学生妹,几乎是不可能的。女生们着装大胆暴露,想必其中很多人走在大街上恐怕都要被误解是夜总会的服务小姐。, b. ]/ X$ b6 \$ L3 T/ q7 J1 K
7 @+ B& ^$ v! E; V. G. _
# I; o: J" c @) g5 a Sluggish guys
( ]4 w1 W- t6 k m2 ^* k# z0 V1 \ 男生痴呆化) e5 s2 q4 M2 J; b' Y4 `: S4 D
Many male students spend all day doing anything but studying, pursuing activities that leave them listless. Their life styles are bad for both their physical and mental health.6 I* r8 O3 F# y$ t3 _0 A; o$ _
很多男生成天不顾学业,无所事事,游手好闲,精神萎靡。这种生活方式实在有碍身心健康。 |