1、真是稀客。 You are really a rare visitor.
3 \5 D0 I: G) t
`4 Q; I6 \5 Z: a7 z C 2、你说的头头是道。 What you said sounded reasonable.6 }0 t/ e0 |7 \( y
; {4 l# U& o9 r+ e6 i5 y
3、我真是反应迟钝。 I am really slow-minded.5 `9 t3 N; [; E& a# P
# q4 p( U" |8 o6 b, D 4、你把我给搞糊涂了。You made me confused.) |9 K/ I6 v1 o [- ^
% J3 ]- r. D' D
5、罪有应得。 You deserved it.
) [& d$ ~$ N0 F! d# m# F2 s+ T+ P, b" z5 T( t$ G* ~) t
6、已经无法挽救了。There is no way out.$ W' n S: d, R; x6 E9 ]
; X% `9 L8 @1 a* U! i# t
7、别跟自己过不去。Don't give yourself too much pressure.1 t' z/ G, H$ ]4 Z( J$ [
$ h% g0 f$ p4 X% \2 h8 V
8、你有话直说吧。 Just say it.2 A0 A8 q* F* q7 k( [
" V( u, s" U: j4 U
9、这可不是三言两语的事。 It's not easy to explain in several words.
: e0 M, g( U7 u& ^* |/ I3 L6 A e
10、天塌下来有我呢。Nothing serious.It's up to me.; I: K. Z1 w! u* v. Q
: V9 N* v0 d, [. c 11、车到山前必有路。You will find a way.
6 s( j* o$ ^4 V
0 w3 g% c% M2 }$ }( \+ ~ F 12、破财免灾嘛。Lose money just to avoid misfortune.
; ?9 p$ N' A( @
- T' _! t& c! ~! i" |6 | 13、成事不足,败事有余。Never make ,but always break.
: _: Q) k: `( P5 e0 W9 T8 w& K; v. o$ P [& Q. G+ [+ t# I w8 H
14、别在这挖苦我了。Don't make jokes about me.
$ l1 |% U+ ?$ U" b5 v0 Y! q! y! p* U. |% f8 }
15、英雄所见略同。Great minds think alike.
: B# ]* e0 B+ E0 l8 K3 ]6 V+ X, E" Z- K1 H3 p
16、让你破费了/谢谢你的邀请。 Thank you for inviting me.(to dinner/the party...)5 [+ @+ M* i) {
* s2 h4 r9 m& K; h 17、有点不怎么对劲儿。There's something wrong here.
% i' F" I, ]% R" L' ^. c
* ~, @( f4 {* l; g7 g" [4 X- t) r 18、太阳从西边出来了。It never happens to you.
: D/ Q$ c6 _: e! H
. f% B; B6 b- f 19、恭敬不如从命。I had better follow your advice.6 }8 P F$ j D; y6 R% ~; X
0 I; n6 V( g! o$ m7 Z
20、你可别小看我。Don't look down upon on me. |