<p><p><font face="楷体_GB2312" color="#ff0000" size="5"><strong></strong></font></p>http://www.70008.net/rm/3/98aa_101/0486/7.rm</p><p><strong><font face="Bradley Hand ITC" color="#ff0000" size="4">we have no future !<br/>heaven wasn't made for me.<br/>we burn ourselves to hell !<br/>as fast as it can be !<br/>and i wish that i could be the king..<br/>then i'd know that i am not alone !<br/>maggots put on shirts,sell each other shit !<br/>sometimes i feel so worthless !<br/>sometimes i feel discarded !<br/>i wish that i was good enough.<br/>then i'd konw that i am not alone !<br/>death is policeman !<br/>death is the priest !<br/>death is the stereo !<br/>death is a tv !<br/>death is the tarot !<br/>death is an angel and<br/>death is our god !<br/>killing us all !<br/>she put the seeds in me !<br/>plant this dying tree !<br/>she's a burning string !<br/>and i'm just the ashes !<br/>she put the seeds in me !<br/>plant this dying tree !<br/>she's a burning string !<br/>and i'm just the ashes !<br/>she put the seeds in me !<br/>plant this dying tree !</font></strong></p><p><strong><font face="Bradley Hand ITC" color="#ff0000" size="4">-----------------------------</font></strong></p>[此贴子已经被随枫于2006-6-15 12:56:49编辑过]
<p>晕了</p><p>半夜发的帖子现在被审核出来就到第2页了</p><p>郁闷下</p> 广告.....- -+ <p>不是吧</p><p>是歌曲啊</p><p>怎么会是广告</p> - - 一放歌就出来广告 <p>- -+</p> <p>模式不同</p><p>寒</p><p>不会改</p> 袄少翻页 <p>那你加油水</p><p>哈哈</p> -0- 放狗咬你…… <p>这个表情</p><p>寒死</p> 换个- - . .. ... - -+,被封了 <p>谁把我帖子屏蔽了</p><p>我已经编辑了还屏蔽?</p> <p>我已经修改了</p><p>晕死</p>